St. Joseph's First Grade College

Rules & Regulations

Discipline is required in all walks of life and this is especially true for an institution where education plays a vital role. This discipline enables the students to develop self-discipline which is essential for a well-organised and successful life. St. Joseph’s college expects students to adhere to all the rules and regulations intended to benefit the institution as well as the individual student.
  • Every student must wear the identity card while in the campus and produce the same when required.
  • The college working hours are from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. The first bell is given 5 minutes prior to the commencement of the class. When the students hear the first bell, they should quickly move and be in their respective classrooms before the second bell. Likewise, students are not permitted to leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission.
  • Students must observe punctuality. Frequent late- comers will not be permitted to attend those classes.
  • The corridors, auditorium and library are the silent zones of the campus and students are not permitted to assemble in these zones and also on the steps of any building at any time of the day.
  • The college seriously takes note of misbehaviour, disobedience, habitual tardiness , instigating indiscipline by violence , forming groups, class clashes and irregular work habits . Improper language or conduct , obscenity in word or deed, carrying of weapons, or fire crackers are punishable by fine, suspension or dismissal. The college strictly prohibits smoking and the use of any form of drugs violators and offenders will be dismissed from the college.
  • Destroying college property, furniture , lab equipment or defacing the walls are serious offences. The classrooms should be kept neat and tidy . Writing and drawing on the benches and desks is strictly prohibited .
  • Misbehaviour outside the college affects the reputation of the institution and has an impact on the students inside the college. Necessary action will be taken in this regard in the interest of the student community.
  • Students are expected to conduct themselves according to the college decorum and be dressed neatly and decently .
  • No outdoor games are allowed during class hours ,no picnics or excursions can be organised or any type of contributions / subscriptions made without the permission of the Management / Principal.
  • Students should not bring any of their friends to the college campus without the prior permission of the Principal .
  • Ragging is a cognizable offence. Any involvement in ragging ,even of the mildest form, entails immediate suspension. If found guilty after enquiry, the student will be dismissed from the college.
  • Kindly note that as per the notification from UGC and University of Mysore , usage of mobile phones in the college campus is banned . Students are allowed to use mobile phones only in the cafeteria . We assure you that emergency calls made to the college office will always be noted and urgent information will be communicated to the students . If a student is found using a mobile phone, it will be confiscated and will be returned only at the end of the semester .
  • Basic amenities are provided for the students . Once admitted ,you are requested to refrain from any sort of comparison with other colleges and demand for more amenities.
  • No student is permitted to take part in agitations directed against the lawful authority of the Government. Membership of clubs or associations outside the campus and participation in public movements without permission is strictly prohibited . Students are not allowed to collect donations from the public for any purpose .
  • Tuition and other fees once paid will not be refunded.
  • A student having shortage of attendance in one or more subjects will have to repeat the whole semester and such students will not be permitted to take admission to the next semester.
  • The change of Permanent Residential Address must be notified to the college office.
  • Breaking the above rules will result in immediate suspension after due inquiry. The College, though not responsible for the conduct of the student outside the campus will take cognizance of any serious misconduct.
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